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Welcome Rotarians and Teachers Sponsors!

Rotary clubs can energize and inspire young leaders ages 12-18 through service and encourage them to become responsible global citizens by supporting Interact clubs.

Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self.  As Rotarians our job is to help support, grow, and empower these interact clubs and our commitment is critical for their success.  We ask for your help to encourage growth, maintain an open connection with these clubs, and get involved in their projects and programs. 

Maintain an Open Connection with these clubs: Visit them on a monthly basis and stay informed on their future programs. Spend time visiting their social media pages or websites, make sure their adult Sponsor has a point of contact with your club. As a district, we need to make sure that even when club leadership changes, contact with our local Interact club doesn’t. These young adults are doing amazing things, let’s make sure we’re there to witness it.

Encourage Growth: Start a new Interact club, our district is constantly growing and starting a new club is easier than ever. We’re fortunate to live in a state with strong growth, and that growth should carry over to our Interact clubs. 
Now what?


  • Review out interactive map and see if your community has an interact club. If not, then explore the option of starting a new club

  • Reach out to them and introduce yourself, help us track these clubs and make sure they’re represented by a local rotary club. Help collect contact information from the adult Sponsor

  • Start planning combined events, encourage your club members to offer their times and talents

  • Make sure the adult Sponsor knows of all the programs available to these students through Rotary.  We’ve got wonderful resources, let’s make sure these students know their options

  • Interact clubs have a fall assembly and  spring conference, help support and encourage students to attend

  • Make sure all registration and club dues have been submitted to the district office.  The annual fee is $50 per interact club.  This covers the district conferences, scholarship programs, and support materials for our Interact clubs. 

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